Processing & Meditation

β€œTo become an objective observer of self requires a quiet mind and an open heart.”

It is important to have meditation and mindfulness practices when beginning processing. Becoming mindful creates self-awareness and helps you step outside of a situation to understand that you are in choice in every moment. You become less reactive and more reflective. When we can come to find ourselves as the Witness, not the victim of our life circumstances, we become empowered creators!

DISCLAIMER: As you move through the content in this guide, check in that it speaks true to you. Feel into your heart center, listen to your gut. Ask, is this true for me? With greater Self-awareness you become your own source of Truth.

What is the Witness?

The Witness is the vantage point we step into when we identify as the True Self and know ourselves as the Soul. Read The Self, Soul, and Source Defined.

Through meditation and processing we come to understand that we are the Soul, and cultivate the Witness- a pure perception of reality. When identified with the personal self, our perception can be clouded by our ego and trauma. The path of processing and meditation is one of accelerated awakening. We do not skip over the lessons we, the Soul, incarnated to experience, we become conscious as we witness the lessons and use the tools and techniques to move through the physical, emotional and mental experience with greater ease. As we process the experiences in duality we come to reside in a more neutral space where we do not have to play out the extremes, we work through them with conscious awareness.

Why is meditation important?

We all have within us a Divine spark, this is our universal Self- connection to Source. By stilling our mind, slowing our breath, opening our heart to Love, we drop into the Divine spark within. The more time we rest in this place of stillness we start to remember who we are, and live in greater alignment with the Truth of our Being. As this divine spark grows and expands it becomes not just an alternative perspective, but becomes our place of perception.

Why is processing important?

The personal self is often who we think we are because our perception is dense with our egoic structure and trauma. Through meditation and processing we find the Truth of who we are beyond our thoughts, emotions and experiences, to understand we are connected and one with All That Is and can live from a non-dualistic place of higher consciousness.

When beginning meditation we often hear our thoughts, feel our emotions, and witness our ego and trauma. this gives us material to use our processing tools. The more you process, the easier it will become to reside in pure awareness and meditation becomes a state of Being.​

What are we trying to become aware of?

1. That we are the Soul.

2. That we chose this life and these lessons.

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